لجنة تنظيم المهرجان الدورة الاولى 2015


4th Edition

Khalil Al-Mozian Managing Director
Khalil Al Mozayen is a Palestinian filmmaker, he has extensive experience in direction and production as well as technical skills in camera and sound.
He is a seasoned trainer in filmmaking.
• High School -Palestine, ( 1983 ) .
• Diploma in Photography Jerusalem, ( 1986 ).
• Bachelor Degree in Cinematic Directory ( Civilization Academy ), San Butrus Burg, Russia,(1997).
• at FOJO Institute in Sweden November 2009
Abed El-Rahman
Abed El-Rahman M. Hussien LAMA FILM Team members
Abed El-Rahman M. Hussien Abed El-Rahman M. Hussien Abed El-Rahman M. Hussien Abed El-Rahman M. Hussien
Mahmoud Abu Ghalwa LAMA FILM Team members
Mahmoud Abu Ghalwa was born in the Gaza Strip in 1987. He has a wide range of experience as photographer, screenwriter, editor, producer, and director for documentary and drama films for educational series, television, and local and international humanitarian organizations. Abu Ghalwa has worked as producer and director for the satellite channel of the United Nations Works and Relief Agency (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip, producing content for education in emergencies or humanitarian communications.
مفيد ابوشمالة
مفيد ابو شمالة صحفي مدير شركة سكرين
فايق جرادة
فايق جرادة مخرج في تلفزيون فلسطين
حسين جابر
حسين جابر مصور
Saud Aburamadan Red Carpet Team members
A Palestinian freelance journalist since 1987 based in Gaza
Ibrahim Yaghi LAMA FILM Team members
Ibrahim Yaghi worked as a cameraman and editor at the Ramattan News Agency and the NHK TV.
Ibrahim was also the director of photography and cameraman of many documentary films such as Gaza 36mm , Gaza Monologues, Masho Matook and Sara 2014
Montaser Al-Sabea LAMA FILM Team members
Montaser Al sabea is a Palestinian filmmaker, he has extensive experience in direction and production as well as editing and mixing. Qualifications
• High School -Palestine, ( 2005 ) .
• Bachelor Degree in Multimedia ( University of Palestine ) 2010.
Salman Nwati LAMA FILM Team members
Born in Gaza , Palestine , 1987. Working as a Coordinator of Plastic Art in Qattan Centre for the Child. In 2011 Worked as a lecturer in department of Painting, faculty of Fine Art at Al-Aqsa University , Gaza. Academic Studies : 2005-2009 Bachelor Degree in painting , Fine Art at Al-Aqsa University ,Gaza Private Exhibitions : 2013 (Realite) For Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix en Provence 2011 (Portrait) for French Cultural Center from Gaza. 2009 (Port Hour) For Contemporary Art Windows From Gaza . Participate: at many Group exhibitions . Gaza, Ramallah , francs ,Germany ,Egypt, Canada London and Italy .
انس السعفين
انس السعافين مصور
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