Gaza Sega (Doc Film) Previous decades, we were just kids looking for their amazing childhood. Previous decades, we were able to create a game using simple to The Worlds 1st Effective Roulette Software…

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Messenger of truth

Messenger of truth is a film which shows ramattan agency experience in Gaza last war(2009) and how i Construction Template Store t's crew able to fight in a real war…

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This project reports on life as experienced by men, women and children in Gaza (Palestine) and Sderot (Israel): their lives and their survival on a daily basis. Under difficult living…

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العابرون على جلد غزة

 أثارني جدل جميل في هذا الفيلم الوثائقي بين الصورة وموسيقاها وحروفي مضمون هذا العمل للمخرج خليل المزين ، والذي شاهدناه على قناة الجزيرة مما احدث هذا الجدل الجميل بين مكونات…

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