“حِلوان .. أنا”

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“حِلوان .. أنا” .. عن مَدينة “حِلوان” .. إحدى المُدن المِصرية الشَهيرة .. عن عِلاقتي الشخصية بِالمَدينة .. عن تحولاتها وتغُيراتها .. وتحولات وتُغيرات أهلها .. حيثُ كانت “حُلوان” مَدينة كانت لُغة الباشوات والطبقة الأرستقراطية مُسيطرة عليها، حتى أصبحت السيطرة لِلبائعي وسائقي الميكروباصات والطبقة الشعبية .. تختلط حِكايتي مع المَدينة بِحكايتي الذاتية عن عائلتي .. تمتزج ذِكرياتي مع المَدينة مُنذ الطُفولة بِرؤية عائلتي لِلمَدينة ذاتها وحِكايتي عنهُم .. “حِلوان .. أنا” بِالتأكيد تمتلئ بِالحِكايات .. لكن هذهِ هي حِكايتي الخاصة عن المَدينة .. حِكايتي أنا . 

“Helwan .. Moi”

It’s about Helwan, one of the gratest and famous Egyptian cities .

It’s about my relationship with the city, and about its changes and transforming and for people there too, as Helwan was a city for Bashas and high class people, but it’s now for sellers, microbus’ drivers, and local people .

My story about Helwan since childhood mix with my own story about my family, and my family’s prespective about the city .

For sure Helwan has a lot of stories inside, but that’s my story, my own story about Helwan .

Country : Egypt

Director : Mohammed Adel

About Director :

He works as Journalist more than 10 years in several newspapers, magazines, and websites, like Goodnews Cinema magazine, El Dostor, Egyfilm, and Bos W Tol, and finally he participated to syndicate of journalists, as he’s now work for Rose El Yousef’s magazine and website too, he works too as an Editor and Scriptwriter for some radio and tv channels like Nogoum FM and Al Arabyia Channel, and he prepares to make some films about Egypt, as he made some films before as writer and director like Meat, El Ola, and 2 Afternoon, these films are participated in International Film Festival For National Unity In Bahrain 2014, and his last film as writer and director is “Helwan .. Moi”, and its one of L’Histore Du Jour, French Workshop, and the film was selected in Arab World Festival Short Film Bazru ovens – Morocco, Beirut International Film Festival in Lebanon, & El Giza Short Film Festival in Egypt, and the film has been won a special prize in Giza Short Film Festival in its 1st edition “Award for Special Jury” and the prize of best script in Arab World Festival Short Film Bazru ovens – Morocco .


Red Carpet Human Rights Film Festival “Red carpet HRFF” is a festival for short and long narrative and documentary films will be held in Gaza Strip to highlights human rights issues, mainly in Palestine and generally all over the world.

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