الماكنة المباركة Bandito machine

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مسافر غريب يأتي من البعيد ليكتشف جمال منطقة غير مكتشفة. يجد نفسه في وسط صراع. فينتظر بصبر حتى مرور العاصفة

An exotic traveler comes from far away to discover the beauty of a supposedly unexplored territory. Instead he finds himself in the middle of a turbulent conflict.

Trapped against his will he must wait patiently until the storm has passed.

Directed By: Jossie Malis

About the Director
Jossie Malis (1976) is an illustrator animator and filmmaker of Peruvian-Chilean origin. Having grown up between two countries he has spent the last decade between two continents (New York, Florida and Barcelona) and is now sending signals to outer space from the island of Mallorca (Spain). His work is an acute commentary on humans and their weaknesses their machines their dreams and the mysteries of the universe.

جوسي ماليس- مخرج سينمائي ورسام من بيرو وتشيلي. كونه ترعرع بين دولتين فقد عاش القرن الماضي بين قارتين (نيويورك، فلوريدا وبرشلونا) واصبح يبعث اشارات للفضاء من جزيرة مايوركا في اسبانيا. يعتبر عمله تعليق حاد على البشر وضعفهم واجهزتهم وأحلامهم والغاز الكون.


Red Carpet Human Rights Film Festival “Red carpet HRFF” is a festival for short and long narrative and documentary films will be held in Gaza Strip to highlights human rights issues, mainly in Palestine and generally all over the world.

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