تعال العب come and play

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في جريشا ببرلين، يلعب فتى روسي-الماني بمسدس مصنوع من عصا خشبية. يضيع اثناء اللعب في واقع اخر. تزداد ضبابية الحدود بين الماضي والحاضر, الحقيقة والسريالية. تظهر صور من برلين الغابرة: شوراع وبنايات ما زالت تحمل ذكريات الحرب. وفجأة، يرى نفسه عالقاً في كابوس حياة أخرى مستمرة حتى الان . “تعال والعب” فيلم عن ذكرى المكان. فالوقت لا يختفي والماضي لا يذهب بعيداً. كل شيء متداخل في لحظة واحدة.


A young russian-german boy plays in a Berlin park, using a wooden stick as a fake gun. The longer he plays, the more involved in his fantasy he becomes, as he is slowly thrust into an altered reality where the boundaries between the past and the present, and the real and surreal, begin to fade. All of a sudden, the boy realizes that he is trapped in the nightmare of another lifetime, still present today. Filmed in black-and-white, »Come and Play« explores the memory of certain places, and few cities in the world carry a weight of memory as heavy as Berlin. In her short, director Belova explores how time never disappears and how the past never goes away.

Directed By: daria belova


About the Director:
Born in 1982 in St.Petersburg, Russia. Daria Belova studied Russian literature and language in St.Petersburg State University. She worked as a journalist and a deputy editor for magazines in St.Petersburg and Moscow. In 2008, Daria moved to Berlin and became a student of the German Film and TV Academy Berlin.

داريا بيلوفا- ولدت عام 1982 في بطرسبرج. درست الادب الروسي واللغة في جامعة بطرسبرج وعملت كصحفية ونائبة رئيس تحرير لمجلات في بطرسبرج وموسكو. في 2008، انتقلت الى برلين والتحقت في الأكاديمية الألمانية للأفلام والتلفزيون.


Red Carpet Human Rights Film Festival “Red carpet HRFF” is a festival for short and long narrative and documentary films will be held in Gaza Strip to highlights human rights issues, mainly in Palestine and generally all over the world.

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